In this post you will find all the information about the manga ✅ Rent a Girlfriend chapter 331. From the release date, spoilers, summary and leaks images.
Kanojo Okarishimasu manga 331 will be released this May 29 on The spoilers are bellow.
Now it’s Kazuya’s turn to choose his clothes.
A few pages later, Mini contacted Kazuya and told him that she had arrived early.
In the end, he couldn’t make up his mind what to wear and went to Joypolis.
At the same time, Chizuru also walked into the clothing store, speculating whether and also wanted to buy dating clothes.
Chizuru: I don’t want you to push yourself, no matter how you dress up, my feelings for you won’t change.
Chizuru: why do I have to pick out clothes now, because I don’t want people to hate me, do you think I’m pretty?
Chizuru asked herself.
Clerk:This is very girly and cute.
Chizuru tried on the dress, but it was too short. Chizuru: Sorry, I’ll try something else.
In the last page, Kazuya meets up with Mini, but there’s no sign of Mami.