In this post you will find all the ⭐ information about the manga Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint chapter 150 ⭐ From the release date, spoilers, summary and leaks images.
Omniscient Reader manga 150 will be released this March 21 on No spoilers yet.
Omniscient Reader 150 RELEASE DATE: March 21
After reading 3,149 chapters, long after all the other readers lost interest, Dokja finally resigns himself to the end of the story. However, he receives a cryptic message from the author, indicating that the story will soon be monetized, before his surroundings suddenly go dark.
He quickly realizes that fiction has become reality and is now living vicariously through TWSA. Although he is the singular omniscient reader of events to come, his success on stage is not guaranteed, but perhaps his edge will allow him to take on the leading role he has never before relished.